The Venetians

The Venetians

Lat.: Gens Veneti, Ita.: Veneti, Eng. Venetians, Fr.: Venetien, Ted.: Venetien, Port.: Venezianos, Sp.: Venezianos,)

From 1948 to today the inhabitants of the “Veneto Region” are called in italian “Veneti”.

For 73 years, the Venetians have been citizens of the European State called the “Italian Republic”.

The Venetians have Italian nationality.

From 1866 to 1948, the Venetians are called also in italian “Venetians” (and not “Veneti”) and the Veneto has the name of “Venice Euganea”. For 82 years the Venetians were subjects of the Kings of Savoy, sovereigns of the newborn “Kingdom of Italy”.

Under the Savoy administration, the Venetians are not considered as a People and their nationality becomes compulsorily Italian.

From 1815 to 1866 “Venetians” are called the Venetian populations of Lombardy-Venetia Kingdom of Austria. For 51 years, the Venetians were subjects of the Habsburg Kings, rulers of the so-called “Kingdom of Austria-Hungary”

Under the Austrians, the Venetians, one of the various Peoples administered by the Habsburg kingdom, were considered Habsburg subjects of Venetian nationality.

From the Middle Ages to the 19th century, “Venetian” means in Italian the translation of the Venetian vulgar word “Venetiàn” (or Venesiàn) and for “Venice” the translation in english of the Latin word “Venetia”

The People of Venetia commonly call themselves “Venetiàn” as they live in their National State of Venice/Venetia: in Latin the Venetiarum Res Publica (Eng.: the Republic of Venice).

From the Roman Era to the Middle Ages, the Venetians are called in Latin “Gens Veneti”, populations with Roman citizenship and Venetian nationality.

From 3000 BC the “Veneti” are Italic populations living in the north-east of the Italian peninsula with common language, uses and customs. For modern historiography in the Bronze Age they are also called with the name of “Venetkens”. For classical Greek-Latin historiography, the Venetians fight in the Trojan War (1250 BC) against the Achaeans of Ulysses and Achilles calling themselves “Weneti”, “Eneti” or “Enetoy”.

The modern Venetians now dispersed in every corner of the world with at least 5000 years of documented history are still one of the oldest and least known nations in Europe.

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