The Veneto

Officially born in 1948, Veneto is one of the 21 Regions of the European State called the “Italian Republic”.

The vast geopolitical area that unites the “Veneto Region” to the “Trentino Alto Adige Region” and the “Friuli Venezia Giulia Region” is still called today with the Italian toponym of “Tre Venezie” (Three Venices) or “Triveneto” (ThreeVeneto).

From 1866 to 1948 the ” Three Venices “, belonging to the “Kingdom of Italy” of the Savoy Kings, were the “Euganean Venice”, the “Tridentinian Venice” and the “Giulian Venice”.

Before 1866 these three geographical areas were united in a single large national territory called in English “Venice” and officially in Latin “Venetia”.

Through the centuries, “Venice” are called the Venetian State (Republic of Venice, in Lat.: Venetiarum Res Publica) and its Capital too (City of Venice, in Lat.: Venetiarum Civitas).

“Venetia” derives from the Roman toponym “X Regio Venetia et Histria”, referring to the territory of the “Gens Veneti” legally recognized in 7 AD. by the emperor Augustus.

The Veneto is one of the oldest populated areas in Europe: its origins date back to the Bronze Age (3000 BC).

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